How breast cancer spreads to the rest of the body


How bone cancer spreads 

 There are several ways for bone cancer to spread, and let's start with the system of localized spread where the excrescence gradationally increases in size and also attacks the girding areas, and from these areas bone cancer attacks the rest of the apkins in the bone, skin and pectoral muscles as well as the casket wall. The path of the lymph fluid where it spreads to the axillary lymph bumps and the internal mammary lymph bumps. Excrescences that are located in the posterior third of the bone are characterized by attacking the internal mammary lymph bumps, and the lymph bumps that cancer invades have natural and ordinal significance, as this helps us to know the inflexibility of the cancer and the extent of its malice. Attacking the lymph bumps located above the collarbone or the lymph bumps on the contrary side. This indicates that the complaint is advanced. Another way for the complaint to spread in the body is the least of which is through the blood. Through the blood, bone cancer spreads to the cadaverous system, especially the chines in the reverse, the ham bone, and the caricature pen. The spread is frequently in the form of osteolysis, and other areas to which bone cancer spreads through the blood is the liver and lung. The brain, and occasionally the adrenal glands, ovaries, and utmost areas of the body. 

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