Causes of miscarriage

 Causes of confinement 

 The main cause of confinement isn't frequently honored, although there are numerous reasons behind it. It can be said that confinement during the first trimester of gestation is substantially due to problems with the fetus itself, but if it occurs after the first three months; This may be related to the mama’s suffering from a certain health problem, and the reasons for confinement will be explained in some detail in the following. 

 Inheritable diseases and birth blights 

 Genes are the introductory unit of heredity. They determine the physical characteristics of a person, similar as; Gender, blood type, hair and eye color, and they're carried on the small chromosomes inside the cells, and thus the emergence of diseases in the chromosomes in the father’s sperm or the mama’s egg may be a cause of confinement during the first trimester of gestation, or indeed During the first half of gestation, inheritable diseases and other birth blights can beget the death of the baby after 20 weeks of gestation, and these inheritable diseases frequently appear spontaneously and by chance, so that they aren't related to the health of the mama or father, (2) (3) as This is done as a result of crimes that do during the growth and division of fetal cells, so the fetus doesn't develop duly and confinement occurs, (4) It's worth noting that inheritable diseases may be inherited in some cases, (2) and it's worth clarifying that having these genes genetically doesn't inescapably mean precluding In general, inheritable diseases can lead to several problems, which we mention as follows (4) (6) Intrauterine fetal demise, as the fetus is formed in This condition is normal, but it stops developing and dies before any symptoms of gestation loss appear. Molar gestation The fetus of a molar gestation and a partial molar gestation isnon-developing and deficient, and it's one of the conditions that may be associated with precancerous changes in the mama's placenta, where a molar gestation results when both sets of chromosomes come The fetus is from the father rather of being one from the mama and the other from the father, and this leads to abnormal growth in the placenta without the development of the fetus. As for the case of asemi-cluster gestation; It occurs when two sets of chromosomes come from the father while the remaining set of chromosomes from the mama, and this condition results in a group of abnormalities in the placenta and the conformation of an abnormal fetus. Blighted ovum, which is a common type of confinement, and appears beforehand in gestation; That is, between the fifth and sixth weeks, which is an inadequate period to achieve the vision of the fetus through ultrasound, and generally causes a confinement before the woman realizes that she's pregnant. A fetus, and this prevents the fetus from developing in a healthy way, and this condition appears in the form of the development of a group of cells in the uterus in the form of an empty gestation sac. Trisomy Or the so- called trisomy, a condition in which a fetus has an redundant chromosome. But if the gestation continues successfully, The fetus is born with natural deformations that may be affected by Down pattern. Absence of a complete brace of homologous chromosomes Known as nullisomy, a condition in which an embryo is missing a brace of chromosomes, and therefore doesn't develop typically, which leads to a confinement. Absence of one of the chromosomes it's known as monosomy, in which the fetus loses one chromosome, meaning that it has 45 chromosomes in the sum rather of 46, and this frequently leads to a confinement; Except in rare cases in which the gestation continues, and if the gestation is complete, the fetus is born with a specific natural anomaly, or its life outside the womb may last for a short period. 

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