The importance of food in health and fitness

 Food plays a vital part in keeping the body healthy and fit. Our body absorbs nutrients from the food we eat, so we don't eat healthy food, and in return our body doesn't get the needed nutrients. This lowers the situations of health and fitness in our bodies and we're prone to a number of conditions, so health experts generally say that balanced food is the key to a high constitution. 


 So in order to maintain our health and fitness, we must have a proper diet that contains the needed quantum of carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals. We must eat vegetables and fruits because they give us with the needed vitamins and minerals. Milk provides us with the calcium necessary for our bones, in addition, we should stay down from junk food. Fast food contains redundant quantities of carbohydrates and unhealthy fats that accumulate in our bodies and make us fat. Redundant weight in our body makes us lazy and we catch conditions more fluently. 

 We must admire the body that God has given us and take good care of it. We should take care of work and other conditioning in our life. It's important to understand that we can perform our duties in life rightly only we must pay attention to the situations of health and fitness in our bodies. Else, although we may want to do commodity, our body may not support us, and also we may not be suitable to achieve our pretensions in life. 

 It isn't necessary to be an athlete and have a good body, every person in the world needs a healthy and fit body in order to stay down from conditions and live a long and healthy life, also, we must remember our significance to our families andsociety.However, our family members get worried too, and it affects their health and fitness, If we suffer from conditions. 


 The only way to have a healthy body is to insure proper fitness situations for ourbody.However, we can enjoy life in a better way, If we keep fit. 

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